
目前顯示的是 1月, 2019的文章

The Aurora

How many times when polar lights shine as well as usual in the sky? I did not count. But this time I saw a pretty face, not like girls on Instagram. It is a girl who prays for something good to happen to her, she did not move her lips, but some words come out from her eyes. I can tell that she is speaking to the Aurora. I like to watch how people reacting when they saw the polar lights. The tears drop like diamonds from her cheeks. I lend my handkerchief to her. I think I found my Aurora. Does she?

旅客的留言 / A message from a passenger

我想像他是一位老紳士,拄著拐杖,一跛一跛地堅定走向遠方,他輕聲向所有人道別, 在冬日的暖陽裡得到解放。 過得算精彩吧,十幾年的歲月,短暫但餘韻亙長,他不後悔,他感到光榮和驕傲, 集所有人之愛於一身,沒有遺憾了,回頭一瞥,但願代替傷心的,是美好愉快的曾經。